Microsoft teams tutorial for teachers

Une équipe (Teams) est un ensemble de contacts utilisant du contenu et des outils sur différents projets et missions. Dans Microsoft Teams, les membres d’une équipe peuvent discuter et partager des fichiers, des notes, etc. dans un seul emplacement. Pour créer votre équipe (Teams),

  1. Cliquez sur le bouton Équipes sur le côté gauche de l’application,
  2. Cliquez sur le bouton “Rejoindre ou créer une équipe”
  3. Optez pour l’option “Créer une équipe”
  4. There are different teams with Microsoft Education, we will focus on the Class team. A Class team is specially designed to manage a class group with teachers and students. The function of adding assignments (homework) is highlighted.

  1. After choosing Class, you name your team,
  2. Add a description,
  3. Click on “Suivant”

  1. Invite contacts (students or teachers) to join your team: the search for contacts is done according to the USJ mail of students / teachers.
    Tip: While typing, the application searches for matches. For example, you can type "Mario" to find students registered with "Office 365" who have this first name.
  2. Click on “Ajouter”

Note :

  • The Classes team is always private.
  • Students will receive a letter with the link to the team created.

The created group opens on the first « General » conversation channel , and other tabs are also created, to allow everyone to provide shared files, take notes, access homework (assignments) or related applications. …


Each teacher has the right to create and manage their space as they wish. The teacher can invite students, create private channels, schedule a session, upload the list of participants, etc.

Invite students to join

Create private channels

Schedule online sessions

Download participants' list


Microsoft Teams offers a list of applications that can be integrated into your class, to interact with users of the same class on Teams. Below are the different applications:




If you would like to benefit from support in the adaptation, creation and/or scripting of your class on Teams, do not hesitate to send us an email at the following address or feel free to contact us at 01421000 ext. 5923 – 5924

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